Files in

Last update Thursday 14 August 1997

NOTE: If your browser does not understand "type=i" in FTP transfer URL's, please click on the word [Image] or [Text] to retrieve the file.

[DIR] ArcWeb
ArcWeb WWW browser files - copied from Southampton.
This *should* be the most up to date version.
[Text] UnHTML.txt [Text] (626) 17 February 1996
[Archive] UnHTML.arc [Binary] (33 kb) 16 February 1996
[DIR] Webster
Webster WWW browser files
[Text] bugs016.txt [Text] (1 kb) 27 May 1996
[Text] gifs.txt [Text] (521) 11 September 1995
[Archive] gifs.arc [Binary] (344 kb) 11 September 1995
[Archive] htmlcheck102.arc [Binary] (250 kb) 19 January 1997
HTMLcheck is a tool for validating HTML files. It uses a port of the sgmls SGML parser, along with a set of Document Type Definitions (DTDs) describing various versions of HTML.
Included are two frontends written using Acorn's DDE tool provided as part of their development systems - one provides a fully generalised frontend to sgmls, and the other is the main HTMLcheck tool.
[Archive] http_fetch.arc [Binary] (18 kb) 24 October 1994
Page fetcher
[Text] ihtml1_04.readme [Text] (413) 30 April 1995
[Archive] ihtml1_04.arc [Binary] (42 kb) 30 April 1995
[Archive] multifetch002.arc [Binary] (9 kb) 26 November 1994
Multifunction page fetcher: local and remote
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Maintained by Geoff Riley. If you have any comments about or suggestions for these pages, please email me at