Files in

Last update Sunday 28 December 1997

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[Archive] [Binary] (10 kb) 06 October 1996
[Archive] ArcBoard004.arc [Binary] (520 kb) 08 January 1996
[Archive] Blobby2_1.arc [Binary] (263 kb) 17 October 1996
Strong ARM compatible game by ARM'd & Dangerous.
[Archive] [Binary] (44 kb) 21 October 1996
[Archive] Bumper.arc [Binary] (95 kb) 20 April 1996
Game by ARM'd & Dangerous.
[Archive] [Binary] (58 kb) 21 October 1996
[Archive] [Binary] (16 kb) 30 January 1996
[Archive] [Binary] (9 kb) 06 October 1996
[Archive] CycleV1-2.arc [Binary] (171 kb) 23 August 1996
[Archive] Cycling.arc [Binary] (304 kb) 23 August 1996
[Archive] Cycling1_3.arc [Binary] (317 kb) 17 October 1996
Strong ARM compatible game by ARM's & Dangerous
[Archive] [Binary] (8 kb) 06 October 1996
[Archive] Flood.arc [Binary] (112 kb) 11 July 1996
Game by ARM'd & Dangerous.
[Archive] Goop.arc [Binary] (105 kb) 20 April 1996
Game by ARM'd & Dangerous.
[Archive] Gravity.arc [Binary] (246 kb) 11 July 1996
[Archive] [Binary] (7 kb) 06 October 1996
[Archive] [Binary] (12 kb) 06 October 1996
[Archive] [Binary] (11 kb) 06 October 1996
[Archive] Miserly1_1.arc [Binary] (302 kb) 17 October 1996
Platform game by ARM'd & Dangerous.
Strong ARM compatible.
[Archive] PestCtrl.arc [Binary] (151 kb) 20 April 1996
Game by ARM'd & Dangerous.
[Archive] [Binary] (22 kb) 13:24 27 December 1997 --NEW--
Game editor of RailPro --- design your own track layouts, and be as feindish as you like!
[Archive] [Binary] (156 kb) 13:23 27 December 1997 --NEW--
Excellent railway control box simulation.
This version runs only in MODE 28, so if you cannot display that you've got problems. Sorry.
This is (in my opinion) the best simulation I've seen.
[Archive] [Binary] (25 kb) 06 October 1996
[Archive] [Binary] (845 kb) 12 April 1997
This is an automated spelling tester for children needing to learn the first 200 words.
It may be too advanced for primary aged kids but good for special needs.
[Text] aryasw.txt [Text] (572) 31 May 1997
[Archive] [Binary] (1 Mb) 31 May 1997
Arya: The Dragon's Quest
A shareware text adventure with lots of graphics and interactive puzzles. It's got over 330 locations and over 800 objects. It's set in a fantasy world where you'll meet goblins, dragons on wizards.
Initial setup is for MODE 28, however a quick edit to the !Run file with furnish you with a MODE 15 version.
[Archive] avian.arc [Binary] (160 kb) 27 April 1996
The adventures of Nikki the Budgerigar. Pilot him around the many underground caves rescuing his feathered friends.
[Text] battle.txt [Text] (126) 08 March 1997
[Archive] battle.arc [Binary] (88 kb) 08 March 1997
A space battle game for two players
[Archive] biohazard.arc [Binary] (391 kb) 06 December 1995
[Archive] bounder.arc [Binary] (339 kb) 08 April 1996
A simple game, similar in some ways to Spheres of Destiny & Fervour.
Guide the ball along the tiled road, avoiding holes. That's about it, really... There are different tiles with various effects, and it's all pretty similar to Spheres of Destiny (on the BBC and Electron), sort of a 2-dimensional version of Fervour. I am told it is quite fun though ;)
It's a Spark archive - please de-archive before attempting to run.
[Text] brix2.txt [Text] (282) 08 March 1997
[Archive] brix2.arc [Binary] (174 kb) 08 March 1997
Brix is yet another breakout game. It's only unusual feature is that there is a large number of different types of bricks that have special effects.
[Text] bumper.txt [Text] (269) 08 March 1997
[Archive] bumper.arc [Binary] (89 kb) 08 March 1997
Bumperoids - asteroids that bump
Just like the classic asteroids game, except that the asteroids can bounce off each other, and thereby come at you in a less predictable manner.
[Text] castle.txt [Text] (132) 12 March 1997
[Archive] castle.arc [Binary] (42 kb) 12 March 1997
Collect the treasure and foil the monsters
[Archive] chicken.arc [Binary] (129 kb) 08 April 1996
Basically a pretty Light Cycles clone - up to 4 players.
If you've ever seen Light Cycles on the Spectrum: This is it... if you haven't, guide your line around the screen - the last person to crash is the winner! Up to 4 players, up to 4 computer-controlled players, bonny graphics, nice sounds, etc, etc... a Spark archive. De-archive before attempting to run please!
[Text] clustr.txt [Text] (312) 08 March 1997
[Archive] clustr.arc [Binary] (4 kb) 08 March 1997
Cluster is a territory game. The winner is the one who controls the most territory. Players take turns to place peices onto the board. Any piece which has THREE opposing counters adjacent to it is annihilated.
[Text] explo.txt [Text] (766) 08 March 1997
[Archive] explo.arc [Binary] (3 kb) 08 March 1997
Explode is a tactical game. The object is to wipe out the counters of the opposing player. You are white. The computer plays red.
When a box contains the same number of counters as there are surrounding boxes, then it explodes.
When a box explodes it adds a counter to each of the surrounding boxes. If one of these boxes then contains the same number of counters as surrounding boxes then it explodes and so a chain reaction can be started.
If a counter explodes into a box containing the other players counters then these are taken over.
Corner squares only need 2 counters to trigger them into exploding. Edge boxes need 3 and centre ones need 4.
[Archive] hedz.arc [Binary] (560 kb) 08 April 1996
A strange version of Pang... pop the heads of all my friends...
Pop the heads before they hit you! Lots of levels, music, fun graphics, all that sort of thing. Download it, it's fun. De-archive it before running, though (it's a Spark archive).
[Archive] [Binary] (390 kb) 08 August 1996
Jet Set Willy
[Text] ladyb.txt [Text] (400) 09 March 1997
[Archive] ladyb.arc [Binary] (74 kb) 09 March 1997
LADY-BIRD by Livio Cicala
It's a bit like PacMan. You are a ladybird who must roam through the maze collecting flowers, while avoiding the scorpions. There are gateways in the maze which you can turn, but the scorpions can't, so you can use them to restrict the movements of the scorpions.
[Text] leming.txt [Text] (356) 01 March 1997
[Archive] leming.arc [Binary] (436 kb) 01 March 1997
The plot of this game should now be familiar from the commercial version which appeared later. There are lots of suicidal lemmings who need to be saved from all sorts of perils. There are 27 levels to complete. A 2Mb machine is required.
[Text] navig.txt [Text] (141) 09 March 1997
[Archive] navig.arc [Binary] (12 kb) 09 March 1997
Fly your spaceship through the tunnels below Chicago
[Text] nhack.txt [Text] (594) 09 March 1997
[Archive] nhack.arc [Binary] (815 kb) 09 March 1997
This is David Bilsby's Archimedes port of NetHack 3.1.3, with a small front-end by Mike Williams.
For people who do not know what this is, it's a character based adventure game in the D & D vein. NetHack originated on Unix systems years ago when text terminals where common, not X terminals as today. However, NetHack has moved on very much since then in size and complexity, but it still retains the character graphics of its original incarnations.
[Text] ogres.txt [Text] (467) 09 March 1997
[Archive] ogres.arc [Binary] (69 kb) 09 March 1997
OGRESLAIR by Kevin Martin
A one or two player game. A warrior and a magician search through 17 levels of perilous castle in search of the Ogre with the intention of killing him. All sorts of puzzles and enemies beset their path. There are two windows, which scroll independently, showing the position of each player.
[Text] plig.txt [Text] (363) 20:25 09 August 1997
[Archive] [Binary] (346 kb) 11:49 09 August 1997
Simple graphical puzzle game (v1.02)
This is a small graphical puzzle game, it runs in mode 13 and should work on any 2meg, Risc OS 3 machine.
[Archive] [Binary] (337 kb) 06 June 1996
Freeware game. A puzzle: push boxes onto crosses.
Featuring hirez graphics if you hardware can handle it.
[Text] rocks.txt [Text] (103) 09 March 1997
[Archive] rocks.arc [Binary] (88 kb) 09 March 1997
Asteroids game
[Text] shove.txt [Text] (124) 09 March 1997
[Archive] shove.arc [Binary] (58 kb) 09 March 1997
Shove football game for two players
[Text] square.txt [Text] (377) 09 March 1997
[Archive] square.arc [Binary] (4 kb) 09 March 1997
Squares is a tactical game. The object is to make squares that have a counter of your colour at each corner.
The squares can be of any size and can be upright, diagonal, or at any SKEW angle.
One point is scored for each square made.
You are white. The computer plays red
[Archive] [Binary] (174 kb) 13 June 1996
Multi user game - plays via modem/serial port/internet.
(I think it's RiscPC only.)
[Text] tanks.txt [Text] (373) 09 March 1997
[Archive] tanks.arc [Binary] (108 kb) 09 March 1997
TANKS by Norma Major
A three dimensional tank battle, using solid 3D shapes. Shoot the tanks before they shoot you. There are buildings that you can use for cover, roads which increase tank speed, and rivers that you can't cross but can shoot over.
[Text] turn.txt [Text] (550) 09 March 1997
[Archive] turn.arc [Binary] (3 kb) 09 March 1997
Turnabout is a tactical game. The object is to score points by making lines of counters of your colour.
A counter of your own colour may be placed in an empty square, or an existing counter can be 'turned'.
Turning' a RED counter makes it BLUE.
Turning' a BLUE counter makes it GREEN.
Turning' a GREEN counter makes it RED.
A line of 3 scores 5 points.
A line of 4 scores 10 points.
A line of 5 scores 15 points.
A line of 6 scores 20 points.
[Text] umoria.txt [Text] (1 kb) 09 March 1997
[Archive] umoria.arc [Binary] (272 kb) 09 March 1997
UMORIA: Archimedes conversion by Edouard Poor
This is a conversion of a sort of adventure game. Each level of the dungeon is generated randomly each time you move to different level. Most of the rules of Dungeons and Dragons apply, and many of the monsters, weapons and spells available in Dungeons and Dragons can be found somewhere in the dungeon. The rules of D&D are followed reasonably closely.
The ultimate challenge in this game is to defeat the Balrog. This should not be attempted until you are able to brush aside ordinary dragons with almost no effort at all.
The 'Monster Memory' will remember details of monsters you have previously encountered, in this life or in previous games - this means that you don't need to make notes about which monsters score most points or have special attacks, anything you've ever seen a monster do is remembered for you. eg:
The Violet Mold: At least 96 of these creatures have been killed by contributors to your monster memory. It is normally found at depths of 750 feet, and moves at normal speed, but does not deign to chase intruders. A kill of this creature is worth 31.25 points for a 24th level character. It is magical, casting spells which drain mana; 1 time in 9. It has an armour rating of 15 and a life rating of 17d8. It is susceptible to fire. It can hit to paralyse with damage 1d2.
[Text] warjet.txt [Text] (652) 01 March 1997
[Archive] warjet.arc [Binary] (278 kb) 01 March 1997
WARJET by David Woods
This FST flight simulation has a reasonably accurate map of the Lowlands of Scotland. Loch Lomond, Ben Lomond, the Campsie Hills and the motorways are all here. For some reason, you fly a Boeing 747, but that doesn't stop you doing fancy aerobatics, and flying under the Forth Bridges.
The best FST simulation I've seen. The combat is also nice and easy, compared with other FST simulations, simply get in range of that Concorde, select it as the target of your air to air heat seeking missile, and fire.
[Text] wfrp.txt [Text] (406) 20:25 09 August 1997
[Archive] [Binary] (60 kb) 11:47 09 August 1997
Character generator for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (v2.01)
This is a character generator for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, if you don't know what that is then you don't need this program.
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Maintained by Geoff Riley. If you have any comments about or suggestions for these pages, please email me at