Files in

Last update Saturday 19 July 1997

NOTE: If your browser does not understand "type=i" in FTP transfer URL's, please click on the word [Image] or [Text] to retrieve the file.

[Archive] FontMsg101.arc [Binary] (18 kb) 03 June 1996
[Archive] [Binary] (11 kb) 30 June 1996
[Text] Jonix.txt [Text] (139) 18 July 1996
[Archive] Jonix.arc [Binary] (33 kb) 17 July 1996
Text formatting utility to rewrap broken lines of text.
Jonix takes text which has been formatted to a certain width and rewraps the lines continuously, eg. for inclusion in LaTeX/DTP documents.
[Text] SmartQuotes150.txt [Text] (895) 18 April 1995
[Archive] SmartQuotes150.arc [Binary] (61 kb) 22 April 1995
Automatic quote substitution - as you type. Also automatically substitutes a set of standard ligatures (typing 'fl' will produce the single fl character, typing ae will produce the single ae character and so on). Don't try using it for news and mail though - the sexed quotes and ligatures are 8-bit characters, which get stripped out of posts going via the mail2news gateway; and annoys people with inferior character sets when you get them through using nntp posting!
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Maintained by Geoff Riley. If you have any comments about or suggestions for these pages, please email me at