Files in

Last update Saturday 19 July 1997

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[Data] DemonSpr.sprite.bin [Binary] (2 kb) 17 February 1995
Replacement sprite file to go along with the script file slipdial.950218.
(Included in the latest slipdial034d.arc.)
[Text] ScriptHelpV1_5.txt [Text] (21 kb) 29 June 1995
[Archive] SlipCharge1.02.arc [Binary] (11 kb) 08 June 1996
SlipDial costing program. Treats consecutive OFFLINES as a failed call (5p cost). Charge rates configurable.
[Archive] call_demon.arc [Binary] (4 kb) 23 June 1993
Very simple dialler --- use !SlipDial in preference.
Written in BASIC, this is an example of how to use the block drivers.
[Archive] coster2.arc [Binary] (11 kb) 13 August 1995
SlipDial costing program.
[Text] demonV1_6.txt [Text] (10 kb) 29 June 1995
[Archive] slipdial034d.arc [Binary] (150 kb) 15 April 1995
Very clever dialler - will kill ka9q if modem hangs up (of use to BBSs for unattended operation.)
A script is included for easy calling of Demon.
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Maintained by Geoff Riley. If you have any comments about or suggestions for these pages, please email me at