Files in

Last update Sunday 28 December 1997

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[Archive] ArcKA9Q121NBexe.arc [Binary] (176 kb) 14 March 1993
Arc ka9q version 1.21 + nntp support + block driver support (RISC OS 3 only?).
[Archive] ArcKA9Q121Nexe.arc [Binary] (282 kb) 30 October 1992
Arc ka9q version 1.21 + nntp support. Does not use block drivers so works with RISC OS 2 and RISC OS 3.
[Archive] ArcKA9Q121Nsrc.arc [Binary] (322 kb) 30 October 1992
Source for ArcKA9Q121Nexe.
[Archive] bmexe.arc [Binary] (57 kb) 09 January 1994
The BM mailer. Very simple command line message enterer (no editing commands as such) and reader.
Use ReadNews or ReaderS in preference.
[Archive] bmsrc.arc [Binary] (29 kb) 09 November 1992
Source code for BM.
[Archive] ka9qexe.arc [Binary] (176 kb) 14 March 1993
[Archive] tcp_131src.arc [Binary] (399 kb) 13 March 1994
Source code for TCPIP V1.31.
[Archive] tcpip_131B.arc [Binary] (157 kb) 31 March 1994
TCPIP V1.31 Beta. This is RiscOS 3 only, and requires the block drivers.
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Maintained by Geoff Riley. If you have any comments about or suggestions for these pages, please email me at