Go Fourth!

September 1995

This is the first issue of Go Fourth to be made available on the World Wide Web.

Any comments would be most welcome. (See the foot of the page for address)


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It's new editor time...

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Before I begin, I should explain that Go Fourth has until now been a totally paper based magazine, much of what you will read assumes that you will be looking at the printed page... please excuse this.

The editor of Go Fourth is elected for three years at a time, I think I am the fifth.

After producing the September issue, I was given the oportunity to create some web pages, and so I decided to produce an Electronic Go Fourth.

The following is my editorial page from the printed magazine.

I should like to start off by thanking Gerry Tickner for his sterling work on the last three years of Go Fourth I am sure that everyone will agree that I have a very hard act to follow!

Perhaps I should introduce myself and tell you how I ended up writing this: I'm Geoff Riley, and I live in Lymm. I made my Cursillo at Foxhill last October-Chester Cursillo #16.

Being right on the edge of our Diocese I'm a little bit out of the way. However, the Cursillo weekend fired me up to such an extent that I wanted to get involved as much as I could.

I attended the Diocesan Ultreya at St. Stephens, Congleton last September-still "floating" on the experience of the weekend, and came across "The Secretariat." At the Ultreya a couple of the Secretariat posts were up for election, and it was mentioned that the Editorship for Go Fourth was due for election at the AGM in May. I went away thinking. (I won't say it's an unusual event-I'll leave that to you!)

A while later I wrote to Gerry asking what was involved, and was informed that being the editor meant you are responsible for everything from soliciting articles through to stapling and distributing the finished magazines... So I prayed about it-I knew that this is not something that I would be able to do in my own strength: I'm far too busy! God, however, has plenty of time, and He will see to it that Go Fourth will be as good as it can be.

To cut a long story short, I was elected to the post of Editor at the Diocesan Ultreya and AGM in May. So, (in the words of the song) "Here I am, Lord."

I would welcome any comments on the style that I have used in the magazine. Being a "computer-friendly person," (I refuse the title "expert;" since an "ex" is a has-been, and a "spurt" is a drip under pressure!) I have produced this on my computer, and hope that I have achieved a pleasingly consistent and readable style.

The next issue will be due out in January 1996, if you have any articles (or cartoons; or anything!) which you would like to see in print, please get it to me by December 2nd at the latest.

Geoff Riley

Lay Director's Report to 1995 AGM

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Chester Anglican Cursillo was 7 years old in April 1995. We have sent greetings to Southwell Cursillo who are celebrating their 10th Anniversary today. We will soon be starting to plan for our own. Checking through all the Weekend Palanca lists I have counted 188 people who have been on a Weekend from this Diocese and about 28 Cursillistas from other dioceses and of course there are those who live in this diocese and have made their Cursillo in other dioceses.

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There have been two weekends since last May---October at Foxhill and in April at Savio House, Bollington. Our policy will be to continue to follow this pattern, that is to hold weekends during the weekend of Easter II held at Savio House and the half-term weekend at the end of October held at Foxhill. The last two weekends produced 28 new Cursillistas, the same number as last year, in fact. We are helping the Bradford Steering Committee by encouraging people from their diocese to come to us. Although we are a movement led by laity we do work hand in hand with our clergy friends and we need their support, and unlike last year, have not been able to encourage any of the priests from this diocese to a Weekend. We hope this will change after we have a display at the clergy conference in Swanwick.

We continue to welcome new staff members and as we now hold only 2 weekends a year we are still finding it difficult to invite Cursillistas from other dioceses to join the team whilst we still have so many people on the waiting list.

We already have two bookings for Foxhill in October this year. This seems to be the favoured venue so we pray that Foxhill will be full again this time.

Our Fourth Day Officer, Pat Riley, has held regular meetings with the Lay Rectors again this year and much has been achieved at these meetings. Communications between Ultreyas is now much improved with her encouragement, and we continue to consolidate our Fourth Day.

It was a great joy to meet so many of you at our Diocesan Lay Conference and much interest was shown in our display. Apart from the Clergy Conference, we hope to have the display at the Bishop's Course day at Tirley Garth, Tarporley, on Saturday 17th June, when Bishop Michael Langrish will be speaking. [The display was there---Ed.]

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The Secretariat continue to consider the implications of sponsorship. Wake up and the Clausura continue to be well attended. We continue to help both participants and staff with the cost of the weekend, and this has been at a higher level this year. This is reflected in the accounts. My vision is that ALL participants should receive the cost of the Weekend as a gift with our love, asking for donations at the end of the weekend from those who can afford it. This can only be realised when we have enough funds to cover it and we thank all those who make a regular contribution through their Ultreya or by a covenant.

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The Servant Community

Cursillistas who have been on a Leaders' Workshop have been learning more about this and I hope that the new Secretariat will spend some time in putting this into place. We are all very busy people and have jobs in our own parishes, but if Cursillo in Chester is to "Go Fourth" then we must be willing to take some responsibility for making it grow. We are all part of the "Pre-Cursillo" group by discerning and encouraging others to experience what has had such an influence on our own lives.

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We're still in a period of change and there's more to come. I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Joan Snape, our Secretary, and Janet Critchley, our Training Officer (now known as Weekend Coordinator), who are now retiring after going the "extra mile." At the November meeting, Sally Mullock was elected as Secretary to the Secretariat and Alison Crozier as Weekend Coordinator. [See next article concerning Weekend Coordinator---Ed.]

Keith Craddock, our Treasurer, and Gerry Tickner, our Go Fourth Editor, are also retiring after much appreciated hard work. There are going to be four new faces on the Secretariat this time.

We are particularly pleased that Glenys Dakin will be able to join us for the Eucharist today. Unfortunately she hasn't been able to function as UK and Overseas Palanca Secretary during her illness, but I'm sure she'll soon be back on the job. Our thanks to Sylvia Craddock for filling in for Glenys---a heavy load as those of you who've been on a Weekend will be aware. I'm sure you were impressed by the number of posters received from overseas, and we respond by sending posters to all of them from Chester. Sylvia will tell you the incredible number she has sent out recently.

Thank you to our Pre-Cursillo Officer, Muriel Joslin, who has organised the purchase of display boards. If anyone would like to mount a display in their church, please ask her about it. She has also had the leaflets re-printed and organised publicity through the diocesan mailing. She holds the stock of the leaflets so please ask her for a supply. Pam Hanson is our Development and Publicity Officer and organises the notices in the Chester Diocesan News.

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Cursillo In The UK

This year's UK Ultreya will be held again at BLACKBURN CATHEDRAL on Saturday, 23rd September. Unfortunately, or fortunately if you're one of the party, some of us will be on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela on that day, so we'll miss that gathering, but I hope that there will be a good number representing Chester in Blackburn. We hope that Iain Whitlam will arrange the transport again.

It is very encouraging to attend the British Anglican Cursillo Council events, including the UK Ultreya. The Chester representatives at their meetings are Fr. Simon, Iain Whitlam and myself. These meetings are still held in Wilmslow so Chester Diocese is still the centre of the BACC universe. If you would like to meet Cursillistas from other dioceses, perhaps you would consider offering your services to help with the making and serving of coffee at the start of the meeting. The next meeting is on November 4th. Please let me know if you would like to help.

We are still being encouraged by BACC to ensure that as far as possible all members of Secretariat should have been on a CLW. The first regional Workshop was hosted by Chester last June and was very successful. Six of our cursillistas attended that, but on subsequent occasions we have only two places allocated to us. The next Workshop will be held at Offa House, Coventry during the weekend 8th to 10th December, and will be hosted by Coventry Diocese. The two places allocated to us will be offered to new members of the Secretariat in the first place. If you would like to go, and are not on the Secretariat, please let me know and I'll put you on the waiting list. BACC pages keeps us up to date with the UK news, it is now edited by Trevor King, so please make sure you get a copy from your Lay Rector.

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Barbara Hood
Diosesan Lay Director of Cursillo Chester.
(This is a slightly edited version of the full report given at the Diocesan Ultreya on 13th May, 1995)


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By the time you read this, Alison Crozier will have moved to Devon. This means that the post of Weekend Coordinator has suddenly become vacant once more.

Since it will take a while for a new Weekend Coordinator to be found, Sally Mullock will temporarily be the contact for any weekend participant applications or enquiries.

Sally Mullock


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It must be more than two years ago that I first heard the word "Cursillo." I felt a mild curiosity about it who doesn't when they haven't given it a try?! I had difficulty in pronouncing it and nobody was inclined to explain much about it so I pushed it out of my mind and got on with the Bishop's Course.

You meet the nicest people on the Bishop's Course. It was surprising to me how many nice people I met that kept on about Cursillo and smiling mysteriously advising me to try it.

"You ought to go," they said, and smiled some more, "You'd love it." But dates for the week-ends never coincided with the gaps in my diary. However, the seed was sown. Then my priest also began to talk about Cursillo and he wouldn't explain either, just muttered something about "it would be good for you," and "you're ready for it." (Why does the leaflet encourage us to ask questions when no-one will tell us the answers??!) I decided at the first opportunity to "Go for it." (one of my sayings) 27th April 1995 was the first opportunity. I "went for it!"

"I'll keep an open mind," I told myself, "I've done other week-end things in Chester Diocese, this will be good." I thought I knew what might be coming! Oh, the arrogance!

I finished work early, packed my case (including something to read at night!!!) and headed into the Spring sunshine and the hills above Macclesfield. My spirits soared or I thought they did, the phrase you "ain't seen nothing yet" now springs to mind! I was wrong all along the way! The only thing I got right was to try to keep an open mind. I thought I would enjoy the week-end, I thought my spirits soared. (And we all know what thought thought don't we!). As the week-end unfolded I learned how high and up-lifted one could be. I also learned that words cannot describe a "mountain-top" experience. I learned too that "enjoyable" is insignificant when describing how that week-end was for me. More importantly I learned a little of letting go and letting God (and I am still learning how to do that) and I learned about being totally enfolded in Gods accepting love, the same love that Jesus has for each one of us and that He calls us to share with one another. I was totally bowled over by a wave of this love throughout the week-end. It picked me up, spun me around and pointed me in the right direction.

Now when others ask me about Cursillo, I smile broadly and say "Go for it," "Treat yourself to a Cursillo week-end" and "You'd love it" and I feel myself light up inside at the memories of my Cursillo.

Julie Withers


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...will be held on Saturday 18th November 1995.

This will be held at Mossley Village Hall, Leek Road, Mossley, Congleton.

The format will be:

     11:30am         Welcome
     12:00 noon      Eucharist leading into an agape lunch
     2:00pm          Ultreya

The Agape meal will be a sit down buffet, not "eat-your-own-in-a-corner" as we have done before, because it will be a continuation of the Eucharist. Tea and coffee will be provided but please bring appropriate food items. The whole event will be organised by SCREWI Ultreya. Please put this date in your diary now.

Pat Riley


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As the time for my Cursillo drew nearer, I didn't want to go, but I knew that the Lord wanted me there. I wondered what I was letting myself in for. When I arrived at Savio House, I met a friend called Sandy; she greeted me with a big hug. And then I knew I was meant to be there for the experience of letting the Lord back into my heart so that he could work through me. I could feel His presence all around me. I felt that God had poured so much more of His love into me, that it was overflowing from my eyes.

As the Weekend went on I could feel the breath of God all around me. Oh what a joy it was for me to be hugged by the Lord during the Weekend. There is nothing that the Lord can't do if we are open and honest with Him to let the Holy spirit work through us all. It helps to strengthen our faith.

Thank you all for making the Weekend special for me.

Susan Dyer CC#17
(Verger, St. Bartholomew's Church, Wilmslow.)


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Many Cursillistas will be saddened by the news of the death of Fr. Roy McGreevy who died peacefully aged 62 in August.

Fr. Roy was diagnosed as having stomach cancer in May and was on many peoples prayer list, from which he received great strength and comfort. Fr. Roy made his Cursillo on Chester Cursillo #1 in 1988. He became an active member of the Cursillo movement in Chester by becoming a Spiritual Director and staffing on #2, #7 and #12.

He was a strong believer in lay leadership and encouraged his congregation at St. Stephens, Congleton to make their Cursillo.

When he retired through ill health in December 1993 he left behind a legacy of a strong lay team able to take on the running of the church and conduct services. Fr. Roy was loved by many and their lives where greatly enriched and nourished spiritually through knowing him. Please continue to pray for Margaret his wife, also a Cursillista, now and in the future.

Sylvia Craddock


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GEA Ultreya Diary

Meetings are held at various locations on a rota basis, starting at 8:00pm.


* Sheila Murray


*14th November, 1995 at Bowden
*9th January, 1996 at Offerton

MACOBO Ultreya Diary

Meetings are held at St. Pauls, Macclesfield, starting at 7:30pm.


*Sylvia Craddock


*30th October, 1995

SCREWI Ultreya Diary

Meetings will be at Sandbach at 9.30 am on Saturdays followed by breakfast.

All are welcome to join us, but please let us know if you will be staying to breakfast.


*Pat Riley


*28th October, 1995
*9th December, 1995

WIRRAL Ultreya Diary

Meetings are held at St. Saviour's, Oxton. Ultreyas begin at 8:00am on Saturdays and are followed by Communion and breakfast.


*Ann Poulter


*9th December, 1995

Other Ultreya Information

There is to be a Diocesan Ultreya on 18th November further details are on page 6.


By Our Man from Pendlebury

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My pilgrimage to Southwell Minster was made between hospital appointments, so I felt I had to go.

The day chosen was a nice spring morning - my route by train, was from Manchester to Nottingham, via Sheffield changing at Nottingham for Newark. However, when departing from Sheffield the train came to a stand at a signal and the delay was about one and a quarter hours due to a "land slip." The train finally arrived back at Sheffield station and further delay occurred while things were sorted out. "Praise to the rail staff at Sheffield station!"

On arriving home, I thought of another way - why not via Leeds! After all, Leeds station "leads to places!"

So, on a Wednesday morning off I went again and on arriving at Leeds the Kings Cross train was in the platform. It was a fast journey (let the train take the strain). During the journey I felt something was wrong, (having been a former railway signalman one senses these things), and true to form the train came to a stand about a mile from Newark station. The loco had failed. So, crossing my fingers, etc., we finally arrived at Newark station with a sigh of relief.

When I arrived at Southwell it was a very nice place and I met some very helpful people who told me of possible places to stay. I returned home happy in the knowledge that I would return on Saturday the 13th.

The day arrived, so off I went again (early to gain extra time). Arriving at Leeds the train was in the platform. Does the train stop at Newark I hear you cry? NO - only principal stations, not Newark. So there was a delay of an hour.

I finally arrived at Southwell Minster 40 minutes late and the service was in progress. It was a great feeling and I had a lump in my throat. God said to me 'We made it Norm!'

You will be pleased to know I did light a candle for Chester Cursillo - thanks be to God.

God Bless from Norman Horrabin, Chester 14.
(We're grateful to Norman for going to Southwell that day. It was on the day of our Diocesan Utreya and AGM, so no-one from Chester could go. I would re-title this "A LESSON IN PERSEVERANCE"! BH)


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I have known for a long time that I am a Christian and didn't mind saying so. I was always quick to add that I couldn't quote bits from the Bible but I just knew; that from a feeling deep inside my chest, I knew that God was in my life. I would also say that I felt that often I was only one step ahead of the children at Sunday School. For a very long time I could accept this but over recent years felt that this situation should be changing!

About this time last year I noticed something in our parish magazine which said "What is this Faith of Yours?" it was an article about the Bishop's Course. Well that said it all, what is this faith of mine? I joined up and am just coming to the end of a year on the course and I feel that I have learnt so much, met so many new people and really begun to grow as a Christian.

We have discussed passages from the Bible, church life, the state of the world both now and over past times; all done in such a safe caring environment. Even when people shared different views, there was still the deep respect for each other and we were able to accept that we don't agree all the time and we can respect each other's viewpoints. And actually, what's new? Things have been like this forever that doesn't matter just because their views are not the same as our own doesn't necessarily mean that either is wrong.

At the beginning of the course we realised how good it is to get out side of our own church, to mix with other Christians, not only Anglicans, and share. I think that we all felt that we could go back to our own churches renewed, refreshed? I don't know what really. A bit like at the Prayer Groups re the Love to Give; we weren't JUST praying, we were looking at the Bible and sharing our thoughts and our feelings and it felt good!

On Saturday 17th June 1995, I attended a day out at a beautiful place near Tarporley called Tirley Garth. There we were able to look at things that we could do in Year Two of the Bishop's Course if we so wished. There are so many things on offer but you don't have to do any of it if you don't want to.

I think that a big message for me has been "Tell people about your Faith, don't just preach to the converted." Take God everywhere with you: to the shops, to work everywhere. For most of us going to church on Sunday should be just a part of being a Christian.

We need to be a Christian in the outside world as well as in our own church. We don't have to be dead clever and know lots and lots (although we can acquire knowledge and skills in all sorts of ways Bishop's Course, Cursillo, Study Groups etc.) but just to be ourselves and to be ordinary! We are not all called to stand on street corners and tell the world "The Good News!!" But we do need to make a conscious effort to DO something.

Also this year, as part of my yearning to know more about this faith of mine, I went away on a Cursillo weekend. I didn't know what to expect (neither did Malcolm, as this is something we have been able to do together). That really seemed to change our lives; we both felt that. Again, as on the Bishop's Course, we were with like-minded people, Christians, some ordained some not and from all types of backgrounds. I have never ever in my whole life felt so secure or surrounded by so much UNCONDITIONAL love; the sort of love that we as Christians know is like Gods love for us. We prayed, we sang, we had a series of very interesting talks and we could just be ourselves; it was an amazing experience, I can't find words to describe it. I feel that it took me so close to God My Father and gave me a glimpse of Heaven. It filled me full of hope. We Christians aren't sinking fast! We can have heaven on earth. We must just hang on to the fact that we must love one another unconditionally, and trust and have faith in each other because until there is peace in our own hearts there will never ever be peace in the world and we will never be able to have heaven on earth.

Sadly Malcolm and I have had to come back to the real world and all its difficulties but we have to hang on to what we Christians shared at Cursillo. We mustn't become despondent, we mustn't give up hope. Remember the glimpse of heaven and keep hanging on---nobody said that being a Christian would be easy. We've all heard that before I think!

I really thought that I was a Christian before but now I feel different. I don't know what it is, perhaps it's that I am more of a practising Christian; really trying to practise what I preach and believe to be Gods way!

I come back to my deep-down feelings. I just felt that I had to share my experiences with you; my wanting to know more about "This Faith of Mine" over the past twelve months and the effects it has had on me. I wish I had felt this 'yearning to know' years ago but perhaps this is the way, Gods way, that it had to be for me.

PS: Another common thread throughout my last years experience is: we think that we have chosen God but actually HE has chosen us, warts and all; He knows all there is to know about us and He still chooses me and you!!

Alice Brown


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When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and debts are high,
And instead of a smile you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest in God's love-and never quit.

Life can be strange with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failed man's turned away
When with God's help he'd have won the day.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow-
For you may succeed with another go.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The sliver glint in the cloud of doubt,
You never can tell how close you are-
The goal may be near when it seems so far.
So turn to the Lord when you're hardest hit:
Put your trust in Him-and never quit.


I've included this piece of palanca to all of you and to myself.

I'm late with this issue of Go Fourth and I apologise for that, I was almost finished when I got a dose of the flu. I have the above stuck on my computers at work and home: it often helps me get over a problem!

Geoff Riley


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The next issue of Go Fourth magazine is due out at the beginning of January 1996.

Due to Christmas being around that time (just for a change) I must ask for any contributions to be with me by Saturday the 2nd December to give me time to compile and print before Christmas (I don't think Fiona would take too kindly to me spending Christmas day folding and stapling magazines).

I'll accept contributions in a few different forms:

Paper submissions

The 'traditional' method of magazine copy submission you write, or type, your article, and send it to me: I type it all into the computer and print it out when the time comes. If you wish to pre-set the article so that I can paste it in, please be sure to leave a margin of at least 1cm all round on an A5 page (A5 is the size of page that you are looking at).

Floppy disk and e-mail submissions

Going high-tech now! Since I'm producing Go Fourth on computer it seems only natural to accept submissions electronically. I am running on an Acorn Archimedes A310 with 4Mb RAM and 200Mb hard disk.

If you've read this far, I'll assume you know what I'm talking about!

I can read Acorn and PC format disks. The text should be in plain ASCII text or RTF (Rich Text Format). I can also accept most popular word processor formats, and convert to text myself. I prefer 3.5 inch disks, but can accept 5.25 inch also (low or high density).

E-mail in plain ASCII text or 'uuencoded' may be sent to:


My address is:

If you have any questions about submissions or advice on the content of an article, please do not hesitate to ask.

Geoff Riley


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Please Pray for these Cursillistas in your daily prayers as they pray for us.

Don't forget: UK Ultreya Festival on 23rd September at the Cathedral Church of St. Mary, Blackburn.

Forthcoming UK Cursillo Weekends:

Oct 5-8
Lincoln #2
Coventry #8
Oct 12-15
Southern England Cursillo Community (Roman Catholic)
Oct 19-22
Edinburgh #24
Oct 26-29
Blackburn #19
Lichfield #6
St. Edmundsbury & Ipswich #6
Southwark #20
Wakefield #8
Chester #18
Nov 9-12
Canterbury #17
Carlisle #3
Exeter #12
Nov 16-19
Cymru St. Asaph #6
Nov 23-26
Leicester #4
Cymru Bangor #36
Nov 30-Dec 3
Southwell #33
Dec 8-10
Cursillo Leader's Workshop at Offa House, near Leamington Spa

Forthcoming International Cursillo Weekends:

Sept 1
Polk Correction Institution, Florida
Sept 7
Tres Dias, North Georgia #43 - Women
Canberra, Australia - Men
Melbourne, Australia - Men
Sept 14
Cursillos Secteur De L'Ontario
Kairos - Florida - Men
Sept 21
North Georgia #46 - Men
Dallas, Texas
Windsor, Canada - Men: Interdenominational
Bendigo, Australia - Men
Sydney, Australia - Men
Sept 28
Cursillo Secteur De L'Ontario
Florida #80 - Men
North Georgia #55 - Women
Glades Correction Centre, Palm Beach, Florida Kairos #22
Central Florida - Men
Bendigo, Australia - Women
Armidale, Australia - Men
Bathurst, Australia - Women
Perth, Australia - Men
Sydney, Australia - Women
Early Oct
North Central Florida Kairos - Tallanassie Correctional Institution #19
Oct 5
Florida #80 - Women
Maryland #62
West Massachusetts
Los Angeles - Men
Central Florida - Women
Sarasota Florida Walk to Emmaus
Tres Dias, North Texas
Oct 12
Tres Dias, North Georgia #35 - Men
Cursillos Secteur De L'Ontario
Los Angeles - Women
Windsor, Canada - Interdenominational
Rio Grande #90
Sarasota Florida Walk to Emmaus
Melbourne, Australia - Women
Oct 19
Northern California
Arkansas #82
Tres Dias, Florida #13 - Men
Atlanta #39 - Men
Bathurst, Australia - Men
Brisbane, Australia - Men
Canberra, Australia - Women
Oct 26
Ottawa - Men
North Georgia #56 - Women
Tres Dias, North Texas - Women
Atlanta #38 - Women
Brisbane, Australia - Women
Early Nov
North Central Florida Kairos - Marianne Women's Kairos #3
Nov 2
Mississippi #78
Tres Dias, North Georgia #44 - Women
Tres Dias, Florida #13 - Women
Los Angeles - Men, Spanish Speaking
Perth, Australia - Women
Challenge - Ottawa (This is specifically for teenagers)
Nov 9
North Georgia #48 - Men
Maryland #63
North Carolina
Los Angeles - Women, Spanish Speaking
Nov 16
Cursillos Secteur De L'Ontario
Ottawa - Women
North Georgia #57 - Women
Kairos Florida - Men
Nov 23
Early Dec
New York
Dec 7
Cursillo Secteur De L'Ontario

Syvlia Craddock


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The following is an extract from the minutes of the last lay rectors meeting.

It arose because of the extreme difficulty one cell group had in finding a free slot in their diaries to meet. The local constabulary are said to be taking an interest in this aspect of Cursillo in Chester!

*"Gatley and Offerton: A group meets in a car parked in a lay by outside Styal Prison. How's that for commitment!"

It just goes to show that it can be done if you are determined. Take note all of you out there who "can't find time to arrange a cell group."

Pat Riley


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These pages are maintained by Geoff Riley.
If you have any queries or comments about the Chester Cursillo pages, please feel free to email cursillo@arcturus\.geoffandcarole.co.uk.

Copyright © 1995 Chester Anglican Cursillo
Affiliated with the British Anglican Cursillo
Cursillo® Registered U.S. Patent Office

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