At the British Anglican Cursillo Council (BACC) meeting on 16th March, the main subject of discussion was about the choice of workshops for the Spring Weekend Convention. I shall be attending on behalf of Cursillo Chester, so hope to report back on this in due course.
BACC are looking for a volunteer to take over as Publications and Resources Co-ordinator. BACC publishes various items such as booklets on sponsorship, a Weekend Table Leaders' Guide and obtains bulk supplies of the US publications (The Library, Leaders' Manual, etc) and other resources (rainbow wool, crosses). If such sounds like your forté, I suggest having a chat with Barbara Hood.
The Library is recommended reading for any Cursillista --- there should be a copy lodged with each Ultreya group, and anyone who's been on a Cursillo Leaders' Workshop will also have a copy. If there are any "gaps" in the booklets in The Library, or you think any need updating, BACC would appreciate comments. Barbara Hood or I can pass these on.
Vice-chairman Canon Christopher Lewis had some useful comments. He commends cross-diocese weekend staffing. I can endorse this from sharing in the Southwark Weekend a few years ago, and from when we have had visiting team members.
Chris had recently visited the States. This provoked some ideas to think about. From time to time ecumenism presents itself: the US/Roman Catholic licence we operate under constrains us to work within the Anglican Communion only. Are there ways of addressing cross-denominational issues? Should we stay with this arrangement, or --- to allow us to address cross-demoniational issues --- should we look to Europe? Secondly, we might consider using Cursillo to break down barriers, e.g. of racism. Thirdly, we could consider holding a Cursillo Evangelism Workshop for using the Fourth Day method for non-church environments such as workplaces.
Vivienne Goddard is seeking comments from anyone who has been on a Cursillo Leaders' Workshop on the weekend content. Barbara or I can pass these on. If you would like to go on a CLW weekend to better understand the principles --- the "How Cursillo Works," forthcoming dates are:
6th---8th September 1996, Perth
30th May---1st June 1997, Aylesford Priory, Kent
Also on dates, the UK ULTREYA FESTIVAL this year is Saturday 21st September at Southwark Cathedral in London. The preacher at the Eucharist will be the Bishop of Dover.
I have now served as Chester Diocese representative on BACC for three years. Would anyone like to take this over for a stint? There are two BACC meetings a year, usually the first Saturdays of March and November held in Wilmslow.
Iain Whitlam
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Geoff Riley.
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Affiliated with the British Anglican Cursillo
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