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Dear Friends,
I know Cursillo has a world wide membership, but just how close this membership is was brought home for me when the telephone rang one Sunday afternoon. The call was from a Fr. George Morris a priest in Canada who had seen our details on the internet and realised that he and I would be Spiritual Directors on a Weekend at the same time. He just wanted to assure me of their prayers and to give me some encouragement for the future. What a tremendous blessing and what a wonderful act of love to take the time to ring round the world to let us know we were being prayed for.
One of the burdens that has been on my heart recently is the way we finance our weekends and our work in Cursillo. If we are to continue to grow and spread it is important that we get this right. At the moment we are almost living from hand to mouth and we have to struggle to provide the deposit for each weekend we book in advance. I am also concerned that no one should be put off, either as participants or staff, from going on a weekend because they would find it difficult to afford.
Because of these concerns I am challenging those of us who are committed to the Cursillo method to pledge a regular amount each month to the work of Cursillo. If each of us who have been on a weekend could pledge £5 a month we would be able to gift each weekend and increase the profile of Cursillo in the Chester Diocese.
I know that there are many demands on our finance and that we have to make difficult choices about our giving but I do believe that if we as a committed group of Christians can do this not only will Cursillo grow but we ourselves will be blessed.
Thank you to those Ultreyas who have invited me to visit them. I will always try to accept such invitations and I will always try to make myself available to Cursillistas on a one to one basis either for Spiritual Direction or just for a chat. If you have any suggestions, comments or complaints please feel free to make them to me, otherwise the danger is that our commitment to Cursillo might suffer because of misunderstanding, or because the secretariat are not aware of any problems.
All love, prayer and every blessing,
Fr Stephen Waters
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The Fourth Day Officer convenes and chairs meetings of the Fourth Day Group (approximately four per year). S/he is also a member of the Secretariat and is expected to attend Secretariat meetings (about six per year).
All Ultreya Lay Rectors and Co-ordinators are members of the Fourth Day group together with the Fourth Day Officer and the Fourth Day Spiritual Director. The Diocesan Lay Director and the Diocesan Spiritual Director are both invited to attend; they are kept informed and are sent minutes of the meetings of the Fourth Day Group. Any other member of the Secretariat may attend for specific reasons.
[Since the writing of this job description Julie Withers has been elected to the post of Fourth Day Officer. So, you've got three years to decide if you would be willing to take over from Julie. Ed.]
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Is the title of the book I read recently, written by Jack Burton, a Methodist minister. In his letter of introduction, he writes: "England is a beautiful country with a goodly heritage, but is sick and the church doesn't understand why, or what to do about it. The simple truth is that England needs a revival. Nothing matters to it more than this. And we must all be ready to play our part, when the Spirit of God moves." This made uncomfortable reading for me, but I felt that this book was speaking to me. What was I doing to bring about such a revival? Read the book to find out what Jack Burton says on the subject.
Some issues ago I wrote about the "Seeker Services" we were hoping to start in Wilmslow Parish. The good news is that we have now held two such "services," jointly with a neighbouring parish. The bad news is that only members of the two congregations have so far seen these "presentations."
We've called these presentations "Lifewatch," and the second was focused on Crime. We were shown clips from "Schindler's List" and enjoyed listening to two Christian professional singers and musicians, who had written their own songs. The evening finished with a dialogue between a clergyman and the male singer, who told the story of his conversion from drugs and alcohol to his Christian way of life. This was a very powerful message and everyone in the room wished that they had been able to bring someone who was a "seeker."
The administration group for these presentations is meeting tonight in our home to plan the next step of publicity. We hope to take a video camera into the streets of Wilmslow, asking passers-by their views on subjects which concern them, and encouraging them to come to our next event in June. Please pray for this initiative. Watch this space!
During Eastertide we read the Gospel accounts of the Resurrection appearances and Jesus' commission to "Go therefore to all nations and make them my disciples." (Matt. 28v19) Let's renew our commitment to this.
Your servant in Christ,
Barbara Hood
* With apologies to friends of other nationalities!
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The Internet is one of those topics. It turns up more and more these days --- newspapers and television documentaries are full of terrible warnings about what the children of prospective subscribers may find.
The aspect which seems to be very rarely mentioned is the community feeling which builds within the 'newsgroups' and 'mailing lists.'
'Newsgroup' is the name given to a semi-organised collection of messages copied to a vast number of computers all around the world. Each newsgroup has an assigned name and, therefore, subject. For example, a newsgroup called '' would be used for discussing Jetski's and their use in sport! Most newsgroups are named in this 'obvious' manner. One of the newsgroups which I enjoy reading is called 'alt.books.pratchett' which is concerned with the writings of the science fantasy writer Terry Pratchett (who personally contributes to the group). A sense of fellowship builds up amongst the contributors --- even though they are often in different countries all over the world: Europe, America, Australia and so on.
'Mailing lists' are slightly different, they are much more controlled and (normally) have a specific owner who controls who may or may not have access to the list.
One such list is named 'Cursillo' --- no prizes for guessing its subject matter! It is an open list, which generally is read and contributed to by members of Cursillo communities and the other three day weekend communities, such as Walk To Emmaus.
Following is a couple of examples of comments which have been submitted to the Cursillo list.
The first is from DeJuan Jackson, I'm not too sure exactly where he is from: geography is not one of my strong points at the best of times, but a medium where there are no boundaries to cross over, and everything is a local phone call away, makes it even harder to work out where people are from!
The second is from Sue Davis. She is the Communications Coordinator at the NEC (National Episcopal Cursillo) Office in America.
Geoff Riley
May God's wrath be in your life to temper it.
May God's love be in your life to soften the blows.
May God's grace be in your life so that you may keep it.
And may God's strength be in your life so the you may live it.
DeJuan Jackson <> Mon, 1 Apr 1996 12:39:56 -0600
The Cursillo method is a means by which we grow in our relationship with Christ, experience Christian Community in action in a way that challenges our response to the Gospel, and provides us with a way of life that exemplifies Christ centeredness.
Sue Davies <> Wed, 1 May 1996 09:23:31 -0400
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At the British Anglican Cursillo Council (BACC) meeting on 16th March, the main subject of discussion was about the choice of workshops for the Spring Weekend Convention. I shall be attending on behalf of Cursillo Chester, so hope to report back on this in due course.
BACC are looking for a volunteer to take over as Publications and Resources Co-ordinator. BACC publishes various items such as booklets on sponsorship, a Weekend Table Leaders' Guide and obtains bulk supplies of the US publications (The Library, Leaders' Manual, etc) and other resources (rainbow wool, crosses). If such sounds like your forté, I suggest having a chat with Barbara Hood.
The Library is recommended reading for any Cursillista --- there should be a copy lodged with each Ultreya group, and anyone who's been on a Cursillo Leaders' Workshop will also have a copy. If there are any "gaps" in the booklets in The Library, or you think any need updating, BACC would appreciate comments. Barbara Hood or I can pass these on.
Vice-chairman Canon Christopher Lewis had some useful comments. He commends cross-diocese weekend staffing. I can endorse this from sharing in the Southwark Weekend a few years ago, and from when we have had visiting team members.
Chris had recently visited the States. This provoked some ideas to think about. From time to time ecumenism presents itself: the US/Roman Catholic licence we operate under constrains us to work within the Anglican Communion only. Are there ways of addressing cross-denominational issues? Should we stay with this arrangement, or --- to allow us to address cross-demoniational issues --- should we look to Europe? Secondly, we might consider using Cursillo to break down barriers, e.g. of racism. Thirdly, we could consider holding a Cursillo Evangelism Workshop for using the Fourth Day method for non-church environments such as workplaces.
Vivienne Goddard is seeking comments from anyone who has been on a Cursillo Leaders' Workshop on the weekend content. Barbara or I can pass these on. If you would like to go on a CLW weekend to better understand the principles --- the "How Cursillo Works," forthcoming dates are:
6th---8th September 1996, Perth
30th May---1st June 1997, Aylesford Priory, Kent
Also on dates, the UK ULTREYA FESTIVAL this year is Saturday 21st September at Southwark Cathedral in London. The preacher at the Eucharist will be the Bishop of Dover.
I have now served as Chester Diocese representative on BACC for three years. Would anyone like to take this over for a stint? There are two BACC meetings a year, usually the first Saturdays of March and November held in Wilmslow.
Iain Whitlam
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On my return from Cursillo, I feel I need to share my experience.
After making my own Cursillo a year ago I came back different --- having felt that I had really and truly been touched by God. I felt that I had been wrapped in His love, His grace and had had a glimpse of heaven.
Now I return having been on the staff. I went away happy and willing to give to others, the participants especially, of myself and of God and from God. I was so anxious you can't imagine... but I prayed, as many others were praying and remembered that God is with me always, is with us always, and He helped me to be brave and to cope.
I have come back feeling again another special touch from God, His love for others and for ME!
Different from last time but such a deep deep down feeling that I can't explain, certainly something spiritual --- which is a word I have heard brandished about for years but never quite knew what it was!
And guilty --- I felt that I shouldn't feel this way! I went away so happy to give. To give, not to receive. But of course we are told so often that when we give, we receive much more back! I KNEW that but now I feel that I have really deeply spiritually FELT it!
Try it --- Cursillo!!
Alice Brown
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The Ultreya Lay Rector (ULR) is the representative of the Ultreya and, as such, is a member of the Fourth Day Group which meets under the Chairmanship of the Fourth Day Officer. The Fourth Day Officer reports to the ULRs from the Secretariat and to the Secretariat from the ULRs.
An ULR is elected by the members of the Ultreya for a maximum period of three years. It is highly recommended that an ULR's successor be elected six months before the end of the term of Office of the current ULR so enabling the two to work together to achieve a smooth transfer. Notify the Fourth Day Officer when a new Lay Rector has been elected.
The ULR is responsible for the well running of the Ultreya, both the organization and communication aspects as well as the support and spiritual growth of its members.
Pat Riley
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Please send any submissions for the Autumn 1996 issue to arrive with me not later than September 14th.
Send handwritten, typewritten and floppy disc submissions to:
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Dear Lord,
help us to see that all are known to you,
help us to acknowledge the poverty and imprisonment you release us
Grant that in giving thanks to you
for your acceptance of us
we may come to recognize you in
the broken spirits of those around us.
Thank-you, for so many chances to receive
your blessing, by sharing
the reality of your love with those who feel
themselves alone.
Give us grace to be still, often, to hear your voice
and know your presence;
to be one with you in prayer
that your love may overflow through us into the world.
Knowing ourselves brings us to our knees;
loving you kindles prayer;
praying grows our capacity for love;
loving you in others, frees us, to serve them;
serving breaks us,
broken we are shared.
So may we give thanks for shadowing
your image in the world.
And giving thanks we enter your presence.
For Thou art all in all and there is no place
where Thou art not.
By the light of Thy face all are beautiful.
For if you have such love for me
then all are so loved and all is well.
Blessed be Thy Name for ever.
Catherine Shambrook
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On Sunday, April 21st, we sat in St. Pauls, Macclesfield and listened to the weekend participants tell of their experiences. They spoke of the love they found, the deep feelings aroused and the certainty of God's love and care. We had heard it all before.
But isn't it WONDERFUL that we have heard it all before? Weekend after weekend the Holy Spirit takes the staff members and elevates them to the status of leaders and exponents of God's love. The Spirit takes the participants and through laughter and tears, gives them the experience of a lifetime.
We had all prayed for some time for the participants, the staff and the success of the weekend. And the wonderful result of our prayer and concern was this outpouring of love, excellent teaching and the knowledge that God loved each and every one of them.
I am sure that from the Spiritual Director and the Lay Rector of the weekend to the gofors, there were doubts and fears about the coming weekend, and yet, when it happened the Holy Spirit stepped in --- took them all by the scruff of the neck and shook them into a tremendous success, a melding of persons, so that strangers on Thursday evening were transformed into loving friends by Sunday afternoon.
We could be assured, as we assembled for the closing Eucharist, of an uplifting service, with great singing, and those witness talks of love and joy experienced in a very special Cursillo weekend.
Praise the Lord!!
Sheila Murray
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Perhaps after a Cursillo weekend our enthusiasm can get the better of us and we try to take on too many jobs; this seems to have happened to me...
I'm beginning to learn to say "no" to a few things now, but I feel bad every time I say it.
I'm sure that everyone except me realises that if you try to do too much, you'll just end up doing nothing properly.
I pray that I'll be able to let others have a chance to help; and that I'll make a good job of what I have left.
Geoff Riley
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"A person who doubts himself, is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself."
Alexander Dumas: The Three Musketeers, 1844.
Twice a year, we meet for our Diocesan Ultreya and at these meetings the call goes out for new people to step forward and take a leading role in Cursillo. Who me? I couldn't: I'm not clever enough, I'm too busy... the list of excuses goes on, BUT none of these apply when God calls for we know He has chosen us and therefore will supply what we need, be it time or anything else. Look at those who have responded in the past from the boy Samuel to the disciples, on the face of it not the ideal choices for the task in hand BUT they, with God's grace did the job.
As you read this you will be aware that we have two roles to be filled Lay Director by the end of the year and 4th Day Officer this month [Julie Withers has now been elected to this position - Ed]. Is God calling YOU? Please pray about this and see if you can respond "Here am I, send me."
If you think you're beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win, but think you can't
it's almost a cinch that you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost.
For out in the world we find --- success begins with a persons will
it's all in the state of mind.
If you think you're outclassed, you are.
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself
before you can ever win a prize.
Lifes battles don't always go,
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins,
Is the one who thinks he can!
Put the Lord into these thoughts and you just can't go wrong!
Sally Mullock
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Please pray for the staff and participants of the weekends listed below:
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+-------------------------+----------------------------+ | Chester Ultreya | Twinned Dioceses | |-------------------------|----------------------------| | Frodsham | Edinburgh | | Kingsley | Coventry | | Wirral | Blackburn | | | Exeter | | GEA/Edgeley | Wakefield | | GEA/Gatley and Offerton | Lichfield | | | Cumbria | | GEA/Altrincham | Southwell | | | Lincoln | | MACCOBO/Congleton | Canterbury | | | Bradford | | MACCOBO/Macclesfield | Southwark | | HILOHALL | Cymru Bangor | | | Cymru St Asaph | | | Leicester | | SCREWI | St Edmundsbury and Ipswich | | | Gloucester | +-------------------------+----------------------------+
Please note that Bradford and Cumbria are new additions.
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A dialogue between Rev. Julian Heaton and Julie Withers. Used as a sermon at St Cross, Knutsford 28th April, 1996.
Julie, you were away last weekend. Where were you and what were you doing?
I was taking part in a Cursillo weekend in Bollington near Macclesfield. Cursillo is spanish for 'a short course' and the weekend is a short course in Christian faith and life.
Were you doing this on your own?
No, there were several of us coming together to lead or staff the weekend, and several who were coming as participants.
So, part of a team St Paul says that different people play different parts within the Body of Christ. What parts within this weekend did you play?
I was a leader of a small group of people who were doing the weekend for the first time and I had to give a talk.
You gave a talk! The Church sometimes seems to do a lot of talking at people. Did those who came just listen to talks? Was it like an endless sermon with different voices?
No, although it could very easily have been! Apart from listening to talks, we discussed what we had heard in small groups. We also shared meals together, spent time in prayer together and joined together in worship. We also had fun together.
It seems that more than just learning, you and those present did a whole variety of things. In fact, I have to tell you that on Sunday afternoon, I saw lots of smiling faces, lots of laughter and joy and the odd tear or two.
Is Cursillo all about having a great weekend, or is there more to it than this?
It is much more than having a great weekend (although it is that too!). It is about ordinary Christians being encouraged to grow through prayer, through study and experience and through action in their relationship with the Lord to enable them to live out their Christian lives in the real world.
So, it is, if you like, a way of kick-starting people who are already Christians, and giving them a way of living out their Christian lives in an effective way. This is clearly important.
It is important because there is a great value in learning in small groups, especially as we journey together and grow together, becoming a close Christian community loving and caring for each other, trusting one another, building our fellowship.
When is the next weekend?
October 24th --- 27th at Foxhill in Frodsham. They are held twice a year in April and October.
Julie, people are often suspicious of events like this. They think that it is for 'keenies,' for everyone else, not for them. It is strange, is it not, that people invest in all sorts of time and energy in their hobbies, and their outside interests, but feel that the church will be able to supply their every need within the hour or so of Sunday morning worship. So, if you were going to give a plug to encourage people to go on Cursillo, what would you say was the really important part of the weekend? What does it offer by way of experience that is unavailable in the busy-ness of ordinary life?
Through the fellowship, being in close Christian community it became possible to experience the total loving acceptance of God, the realisation that God loves ME. This may sound arrogant but those on the weekend, staff and participants experienced this and were moved to tears. It is so often hard to actually FEEL this love of God in todays world although we may talk about it. We build so many barriers around ourselves. I am convinced that God breaks through to touch us at Cursillo. This can be shown by the response of the people on Cursillo. As the sense of God's presence increased they became less afraid to talk to Him and about Him to each other.
They all grew in their knowledge of the presense of God and confidence in their faith. They blossomed. For example, during times of prayer for our small group, at first we sat a little tentatively in silence. But as we sensed God's presence and acceptance of us during the weekend, members of the group were able to say aloud what they wanted to pray about, whether that was just a name or a little of a situation. No-one was told that they should pray out loud --- it just happened.
Let us go back just a moment.
You talked about the model of Christian life that Cursillo gives as being based around the three headings of Prayer, Study and Action. It seems to me that in one sense, this is nothing remarkable. It is what Christians who have been effective in their discipleship have always done. What is special and important is that the Cursillo approach actually articulates this and encourages Christians to do it. As vicar, what excites me about this particularly is the stress that is put upon community, upon Christians working together, praying together, studying together. Is this simply pie-in-the-sky, is this something that happens in other places, or is God saying something about the way that Christians ought ordinarily to live?
I don't think it is pie-in-the-sky --- A family grows together and supports its members learning from experiences and this is what a Christian community should do. We might all live in different houses but we can all come together regularly to pray, to learn and to grow in God and in faith supporting one another as we do.
Julie, thank you for telling us about the weekend. I also went to the closing service of the weekend when you were a participant rather than a member of the team. Thinking back to this, what precious moment from that do you think back to and which still sustains you?
On my Cursillo I thought I knew how much God loved me, I knew He accepted me, but to really feel this, to experience His love and total acceptance that was the most precious thing, it gave me an inkling, a taste of the height, breadth and depth of God's love for me and for each one of us and that still sustains me and gives me a buzz.
Julie Withers
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Meetings are held at various locations on a rota basis, starting at 8:00pm.
Sheila Murray
11th September, 1996 at Gatley
29th October, 1996 at Bowden
4th December, 1996 at Offerton
7th January, 1997 at Edgeley
Meetings are held on Saturday mornings at 29 Gawsworth Drive, Sandbach at 9.30 am followed by breakfast for those who wish to stay. You are welcome to attend but please let us know because of catering.
Pat Riley
6th September, 1996
19th October, 1996
Meetings are held at various locations. Ultreyas are held on Saturdays and are followed by breakfast.
Vicki Schofield
5th October, 1996 St Chad's, Leasow, starting at 9:00am
[Sorry, I'm about to enter soapbox mode...]
I've only got the above dates for Ultreya meetings.
Are there only three Ultreyas in the Diocese? No, I didn't think so!
Please try to let me know when you have arranged dates for Ultreyas so that I can publish them for you.
The reason for publishing is not only to remind your Ultreya members of the meeting dates, but also so that the rest of the Cursillistas from other Ultreyas are able to pray for your meetings at the appropriate time.
The importance of prayer is continually being stressed, please take this opportunity so take advantage of the willingness of others to support your Ultreya; and I would hope that you would do likewise!
[Soapbox mode Off.]
These pages are maintained by
Geoff Riley.
If you have any queries or comments about the Chester Cursillo pages,
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Copyright © 1996 Chester Anglican Cursillo
Affiliated with the British Anglican Cursillo
Cursillo® Registered U.S. Patent Office