This is collected from various sources, including:
Please note that where the information seems sketchy, it is probably because I don't know. 90% of what is here came from posts made by the folks mentioned above, not from me. I am a redactor, not a researcher. Please, please send me additions and corrections.
I seem to have gathered very little about Via De Christo, any Lutherans out there who would like to fill in a few blanks?
Emmaus - Methodist/non-denom. version of Catholic/Episcopalian Cursillo Walk to Emmaus: "The Walk to Emmaus is a 72-hour experience that is usually held at a retreat center. The weekend begins on Thursday evening and ends Sunday evening. At Emmaus, participants spend three busy, but enjoyable days as they live and study together in singing, prayer, worship, and discussion. Discussions center around fifteen talks that are given by laity and clergy. The talks examine how God's grace comes alive in the Christian community and expresses itself in the world. Participants discover how grace is real in their lives and how they can live in the life of grace and bring grace to others. As people have the opportunity to participate in the daily celebration of Holy Communion, they begin to understand more fully the presence of Christ in his body of believers. Participants experience God's grace through the prayers and acts of service of a support community." [from the Upper Room Web site, with permission]
This is a prison ministry. It is ecumenical, but is largely identical to a freeworld Cursillo - music, talks, palanca, food, etc.
It is the Protestant Army Chaplaincy's adaptation in Europe of the Cursillo weekends.
(weekend for young adults - mostly early to middle twenties) - This weekend is somewhat more contemplative than Cursillo or Happening weekends. The Pilgrims focus on determining their Christian calling (not necessarily ordained, and probably not a call to ordained ministry). The symbol I see used mostly at Vocare is the bee hive.
Vocare is a renewal weekend for young adults (age 18-30ish). Vocare (vo-car-ee) is latin for 'vocation' and therefore the focus is learning what God is calling you to be. It looks at where God is in each person and in the work that they do (whether in the church or not) and the relationships to other people.
This is really not the equivalent of the Cursillo movement. It is more like the Walk to Emmaus. The Great Banquet was started in Madisonville, Ky by a pastor named Jack Pitzer. He had attended the Methodist Cursillo in the Upper Room and disagreed with some of the teachings. He had a problem with teaching one denominations ideals. He thought that something of this nature should be ecumenical, so he started The Great Banquet.
Residents Encounter Christ. REC is a renewal weekend for prisoners with its roots in the Cursillo format.
The Heart of America Camino was originally Heart of America Cursillo. In 1987, the Catholic Church informed us that because we basically encompassed the following denominations (Christian (Dis. of Christ), Methodist and Presbyterian) we need to change our name.
We also had to change the following words:
palanca was changed to cuna (wedge)
cursillista to viajero
ultreya to consuno
The were the only changes that were made. We still follow the original script from the Iowa Episcopal that helped start our weekends. I say the script is the same because I am the "Keeper" of the script.
The biggest discussion the community has is in the area of SD. The decision that a SD at a weekend can done everything that their denomination allows. The biggest issue is on the blessing of the elements at communion. Camino works very hard to keep the doctrine of anyone denomination from influencing the weekend.
Coming a Christian (Dis. of Christ) church, I like the mix of denominations at a weekend. It seems to me to get back to how Jesus design the first church base on love and not egos.
HEC (Handicapped Encounter Christ) started by John Keck. It is a Cursillo-like weekend with 50/50 able-bodied and disabled people. Both AB and disable give talks. ABs take care of diabled during weekend on a buddy system basis. Instead of Mananita there is a social on Sat. nite where people come in from outside and a skit is put on by weekend people and a raffle is done to raise funds since few diabled can afford the cost of the weekend. Many who have already made the Cursillo weekend say that the HEC with it's mixture of AB and disabled adds a real dimension that increases the sprirituality of the weekend. You actually practice Christianity on the weekend instead of the 4th day!
I believe weekends are still being help in Pennnsylvania , New Orleans and New York and possibly other cities
In Columbus Ohio, the Cursillo has been alive for over 30 years, since the early 60's. It started with the purely Catholic version but evolved into an Ecumenical version in the late 60's. In the mid 80's the central Cursillo office gave us an ultimatium to become all Catholic or non-Cursillo. We chose to continue the ecumenical spirit and changed our name to Cum Christo (latin for with Christ) with the support of our local bishop. The weekend format, talks, closing, 4th day, closing, etc. are all the same as a regular Cursillo. We rigorously enforce no intercommunion. There is a Catholic mass on Saturday evening and a non-Catholic service on Sunday morning. Catholics receive communion on Saturday evening and non-Catholics recieve a blessing from the priest. On Sunday morning the process is reversed: non Catholics recieve communion, Catholics recieve a blessing.
There is a protestant branch of Cursillo which may just be Lutheran in Upstate NY and Southern Canada called Koinonia.
Teenage offshoot of the Walk to Emmaus weekend, spiritual renewal is not really the basis of this weekend, rather more a lean toward evangelism to youth. Again, LOTS of talks given, but they differ greatly from the Emmaus talks.
Chrysalis: "Chrysalis is an ecumenical ministry to motivate young people to become Christian leaders in their churches, schools, homes, and workplaces. It is the intention of the Chrysalis ministry to call each young person to seek a dynamic friendship with God through Christ and to grow toward the unique person he or she was created to be. During this three-day course in Christianity, teams of clergy, adult laity, and young people present 15 talks, offer testimonies, and participate in discussion groups and in a variety of fun activities. Participants are encouraged to follow up by becoming involved in "share groups," Bible studies, and Chrysalis reunion groups." [from the Upper Room Web site, with permission]
Chrysalis is a wonderful renewal ministry. It is based off the Methodist Walk to Emmaus, which is based off the Catholic Cursillo. Chrysalis is the teen/Young adult version of Emmaus and it is centered around strenthening Christian decipleship in the youth of this world (which is definitely needed). It is non-denominational and focuses on ages 14-24. Some communities only have High School age Chrysali (for ages 14-18). Others have seen the need to have a walk designed around College age young adults (for ages 18-24). Some communities don't feel the need to have the Young Adult flights because The Walk to Emmaus can be attended by anyone who can attend the Young Adult Chrysalis.
The weekend is called a flight because a chrysalis is the metamorphic stage between a caterpillar and a butterfly, which you become upon the completion of your third day.
Episcopal teenage "equivalent" to Cursillo, but different. Fewer talks, but still a strong emphasis on love and servanthood. Happening is a renewal weekend for high schoolers. It focuses on the teen's relationship with their peers, family, and God. A weekend for teens, run by teens (in the best setups)
which stands for Teens Encounter Christ, under the auspices of Protestant Army Chaplaincy's
Challenge is a Cursillo-based movement for youth ages 16-25, and following it, members live out their Third Day (our weekends are shorter).
1. Denominational sponsorship - I know of the Anglican groups (currently in Ottawa, formerly in Montreal, and just starting up in Algoma and Ontario dioceses). I seem to recall that there was/in a Roman Catholic Challenge group in Ottawa, though I know none of the details.
2. History/age - Challenge actually pre-dates Cursillo in the Diocese of Ottawa (by a few months). We held our first weekend in '80 (Anglican Cursillo began here in '81).
3. Ecumenical - Challenge is officially sponsored by the diocese. It is intended as a program for Anglicans (in our case), though there is members of other denominations have been on weekends and active in the movement afterwards.
4. Coed/single-sex/age group - Challenge is co-ed, and is for young people ages 16-25.
5. Differences from Cursillo - Since I haven't personally attended a Cursillo (most places with Challenge bump up the minimum age for Cursillo to about 23, so that they aren't competing for the same bodies), this only will be from what I know from the list, and from my parents. The weekend is shorter than a Cursillo weekend (rather than Thursday night - Sunday afternoon, ours run Friday night - Sunday afternoon). The talks are slightly different, and are in some cases aimed more directly at the age group. Other than that, the main differences are in terminology.
6. Terminology
A movement in the Presbyterian Church (USA) called Celebration. The program is modeled after the HAPPENING weekend in the Episcopal church. (although Celebration is somewhat different). The movement started in Charleston, SC and has spread throughout South Carolina, Oklahoma, and Georgia.
The Roman Catholic youth renewal movement (similar to Happening or Chrysalis) is called Kairos. Not to be confused with the ecumenical adult prison ministry of the same name.
Palanca is that which can be used to move something large and immobile. On our team, the Spiritual director handed out small wedges on strings for us to wear, to remind us that "palanca" is a wedge, a means to create change and movement.
Some movements have tried to "demystify" the movement by changing some of the Spanish terms to words that are more familiar to English speakers. In addition, the Roman Catholic Cursillo has changed the names of some of talks, as explained below.
The change in Piety, Study, Action, is only for the RC Movement. The terms were changed to "Holiness, Formation and Evangelization" in order to fit in with the terminology used by the Catholic Church. In this case with particular regard to a Vatican II document named "Evangelization in the Modern World" The RC Cursillo is a movement of the church and as such always strives to stay as closely in step with its teachings and language as possible.
Rector = Weekend Leader
Spiritual Director = Pastor
Rollo = Talk
Rollo Room = Talk Room
Habitual Grace = Grace
Actual Grace = Grace, Too!
Cursillista = Pilgrim
Team Member = Pilgrim
Clausura = Closing
Decuria = Poster Presentation
Cha cha = Gopher
Professor = Table Leader
Reunion Group = small group, sharing group, prayer group, etc.
Well De Colores came about when a bus load of people in Spain broke down, and these people had to walk something like 20 miles. De Colores was a Spanish folk song long before the beginning of the Cursillo movement. When the bus broke down, everyone sang to pass the time and this was one of the songs that they sang over and over. Thus it bacame associated with the movement by accident.
Why do we use the term DeColores (I know this means "of color" or something similar in Spanish) with all the colors of the rainbow? Someone said they thought it was because the colors represent the many facets of God's love. Is that correct? What does the rooster signify?
Traditionally (all the way back to the 13th century), the rooster symbolizes Christ's resurrection by rising early in the morning. De Colores is from the Spanish song of the same name that speaks (in about 90+ verses) of the "many colors of God's love". When I was an English major in college, we read several Middle English songs/poems that used both the rainbow (some with reference to Noah) and the rooster as images.
There are roosters carved into the stonework of several medieval cathedrals in Europe.
First of all, De Colores is a Mexican folk song. To use De Colores as a greeting is a little like coming up to a person and saying 'Jimmy Crack Corn!' In the United States, (and only in the U.S., I believe), De Colores has become a recognition sign. It is certainly not used in Majorca where Cursillo originated.
[Incidentally, De Colores has been recorded by both Joan Baez and Pete Seeger -- it is the theme song of the United Farm Workers, which caused great problems in some movements in California where many of those who showed up at Clausuras, etc. were farm workers, singing De Colores, and the new Cursillistas were owners, who were not at all pleased at hearing that song on their Weekend.]
While De Colores is a folk song, there is only one verse (usually NOT sung in my experience, interestingly enough) that specifically deals with Christian vocation. The rest of the verses really celebrate diversity, and for that it is good. (I realize in the foregoing that I'm referring to the Spanish words. In some movements, an English version is used, and they may have more verses dealing with Christian living).
A more appropriate greeting among Cursillistas (and I include ALL of the movements) is 'ultreya'. Ultreya is a medieval Spanish word (with no modern equivalent) that is roughly translated 'onward', or 'keep going'. It is a word of encouragement for all of us in our Christian vocation and ministry.
The other symbols, such as the crowing rooster, celebrate life, specifically Christian life. Many large bookstores, especially Roman Catholic stores have Cursillo items for sale.
Candidates to a weekend have sponsors.
It is the responsibility of the sponsors (with the support of the community at large) to:
The weekends are designed for committed Christians who earnestly desire to grow in Christ. If that describes you, you will probably have a wonderful time, and grow in wonderful ways you did not think possible.
People who are actually or potentially leaders, people with a dissatisfaction with the way things are, people who have an aptitude for living in and for community.
Who should not go on a weekend?
The weekends are not a panacea, and they are not for everyone. I've never been on a weekend (I've been on five so far) in which someone did not come to Christ for the first time--yet that is not the focus for the weekend. Inevitably, there are a few there who do not realize until they actually encounter the love of God shining on the weekend that they are strangers to that love, but those who do not claim to be committed Christians should not attend.
The weekends are also not for those who are not willing to grow, as the weekend is about more than love. It is a short course in Christianity, designed to help Christians to be renewed in God's love and grace. Grace is about accepting us where we are, but we are never left there. If a person really does not want to grow in Christ, they should not attend a weekend.
Cursillo is not intended to fix people. People with severe chronic or current problems (depression, loss, addictions, etc) are not good candidates. Cursillo is intended to help raise up evangelical leaders in the church, not to heal those who are broken. There are ample programs designed for healing that should be pursued with those in need.
The short answer is that Emmaus, and perhaps some of the other weekends are, but Roman Catholic and Episcopal weekends are not. Details below.
(Kip) As a member of the Diocese of Texas Secretariat, I have done some research on whether one needs to be an Episcopalian. First of all, yes, one DOES need to be an Episcopalian to attend Cursillo. This is part of our contract with the Catholic Church. Second, according to the canons, an Episcopalian is described as a person who is active and in good standing, regularly attending a specific church, and regularly receiving communion. An Episcopalian does NOT need to be a "card-carrying" member. That is only necessary if the person wants to either vote or hold office in the church. Third, I do know that anyone can attend an Emmaus walk, no matter what the denomination. A person must be Roman Catholic to go on a Catholic Cursillo. I do not know about the sponsorship guidelines. I do not know about the other programs. I do recommend you contact the National Episcopal Cursillo office in Washington, DC, and order a copy of the Cursillo Library. The full library is only $35 and had EVERY rule and guideline necessary concerning the Episcopal Cursillo program. This is an absolutely invaluable tool for every parish, convocation and diocese to be sure they are keeping the true focus of Cursillo.
(Nadine) Yep, it is. This issue was hashed out on a national level in the Episcopal Cursillo in the mid-to-late 1980's. Final decision was that if a movement is going to use the name "Cursillo" their weekend participants must be of their own denomination. This is per the licensing agreement with the Roman Catholic movement, which holds rights to the name "Cursillo." The intent is to prevent proselytizing. Some movements (even some RC movements) wanted to remain interdenominational and so broke off, took other names, and developed their own materials. Southern Ohio Episcopal Cursillo has held weekends for only Episcopalians since the late 1980's. However, anyone from any three-day movement can sponsor an Episcopalian candidate to our weekends, as long as they are willing to take on the sponsor's duties (get the candidate to Ultreyas and into a group reunion, etc.). I sure hope there's no problem with sponsoring across denominations -- some of us sponsor our non-Episcopalian friends to other movements' weekends!
The candidates arrive. Team members carry their luggage for them and engage in chit chat to try to make them feel welcomed and safe.
Watches are taken up.
A silent retreat is begun.
The stations of the cross is done.
The Prodigal Son meditation
Examination of conscience
Morning prayer
Three glances meditation
Rollo #1 - Ideals
Rollo #2 - Grace
Rollo #3 - Laity
Rollo #4 - Holy Spirit
Introduce general palanca (candy, posters)
Rollo #5 - Piety
Make posters to summarize the day
Morning Prayer
Person of Christ meditation
Rollo #6 - Study
Rollo #7 - Sacraments
Clay responses to talks
Chapel visits by decuria
Rollo #8 - Action
Rollo #9 - Obstacles to Grace
Rollo #10 - Leaders
Las Mananitas
Morning Prayer
Rollo #11 - Environment
Rollo #12 - Christian Community
Rollo #13 - Life in Grace
Rollo #14 - Reunion / Ultreya (may be 1 or 2 talks)
Fourth day begins
Enter prison at 3:00 PM and proceed to Gym, where advance team has already set everything up. At 4:00 the brothers in white arrive. We each have one or two we are the sponsors for. We find our candidates, give them their nametag and their Freedom Guide (pamphlet of prayers) and try to make them feel comfortable with chit-chat, cookies, coffee...
Meditation - I Chose You
Meditation - Know Yourself
Meditation - The Prodigal Son
Big sack of cookies before they leave for the night
Meditation - The Three Glances of Christ
Talk - Goals
Talk - Friendship With God
Midday Prayer
Meditation - Acceptance of Self
Talk - The Church
Talk - You Are Not Alone
General Palanca
Talk - Spirituality
Talk - Spiritual Counseling
Posters summarizing the day
Meditation - Accepting God's Forgiveness
Big sack of cookies before they leave for the night
Meditation - Who Is Jesus Christ?
Meditation - Forgiveness of Others
Talk - Discovery
Talk - Christ Among Us
Talk - Action
Meditation - The Wall
Talk - A Christian
Personal Palanca
Meditation - Forgiveness of Others
Forgiveness service
Big sack of cookies before they leave for the night
Meditation - Christ's Message To Kairos
Talk - The World Around Us
Talk - The Grace Full Life
Talk - Christian Community
Talk - Hang In There
Talk - Your Walk
(Virginia) I am the palanca coordinator for our local movement here in southwestern Ontario. I understand where you are coming from with your needs for prayer for specific individuals on a weekend. However, this form of Palanca is termed "general palanca" and is not meant for individuals on the weekend but for *all* of the candidates, together with their needs to bond in their table groups and to open their hearts to the presence of the Holy Spirit. The teams also need palanca since they are leading the candidates to a new way of living and many times have to give guidance and support to troubled candidates. The Palanca is designed to make all things on the weekend run smoothly with God's infinite help so that all candidates can get the most possible out of the weekend. The type of Palanca you are referring to is also much needed on the weekend and is termed "personal palanca", which is in the form of letters written to specific candidates with prayers and sacrifice for that individual as opposed to the whole process going on on any weekend. Some movements only allow personal palanca from close friends, relatives and sponsors. In our movement, we encourage personal palanca from the greater community. This shows the candidates that even total strangers are making sacrifices in their personal lives for them. Sorry if I have said anything to upset you here but I have tried to explain palanca as I have seen it work through our own movement. We have just completed our men's weekend and it was truly blessed with the Holy Spirit the whole time.
From the book titled The Fundamental Ideas of The Cursillo Movement, by the World Organization of the Cursillo Movement (OMCC):
"Ultreya: The Reunion of Group Reunions, which, in an attitude of progressive conversion, leads its members to share what is fundamental for being a Christian, and the evangelical leavening of the environments."
In the Episcopal Cursillo, Diocese of Washington (DC), we have our small group reunions, comprised of 4-5 members, meeting weekly. We also hold monthly Ultreyas at three different locations within the diocese (one north, one central, one south). Basically, the Ultreya is a way for the reunions (and guests) to experience a bit more of the community, without being on "a weekend". We usually have a supper, sing, and have a floating reunion (count off around the room, and split off to reunion groups that way), and then re-gather for a witness talk and reflection.
Ultreya - it's a gathering of the community. Ours meets once a month in various local churches. There's singing, BORING announcements, fellowship, a Fourth Day talk and communion. It's a great way to stay plugged into your community.
If you don't, then do! More on this later...
A group of 5-7 individuals who get together each week and share a reunion just like normal, except electronically through e-mail.
How does it work?Briefly, each person shares his(her) thoughts on a standard reunion outline in an e-mail message to everyone in the group sometime during a one week period. The next week, everyone can respond to the e-mail messages with support, encouragement, challenges, prayers, etc. Then you start all over again.
Who can participate?Anyone who has been to a 3 day retreat based on the Cursillo movement, including: Cursillo (any denomination), Walk to Emmaus, Via De Cristo, Tres Dias, Chrysallis, Happening, Kairos, TEC, etc.
Okay, I'd like to find out more. How?Please note that it is VERY IMPORTANT to e-mail Dan direct so he can reply to your message. Any requests posted on the general board will be missed.
Carl will send you detailed information and a covenant agreement for you to consider joining a group. If you're still intersted, e-mail back to him and he will put your name on a waiting list until it's big enough and there is a volunteer facilitator to start a new group.
How many groups are active?The first group was formed in August 1994 with 7 members from Maine, Indiana, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Oregon and South Carolina. 3 members of that group have dropped out and 2 others have been added. All but 1 of the members have met at least 1 other member in person over the last 2 years for a "live" reunion. Six other groups have been started since then, and as far as is known, 2 or 3 of them are still active.
There is a company that specializes in selling Emmaus/Cursillo/etc. music, books, shirts, mugs, and other assorted paraphernalia. It's based in Houston, and it's call "De Colores, Inc." They sell either wholesale or via a catalog. If you're interested, you can contact them at:
De Colores!, Inc.,
1302 Munger
Houston, TX 77023
713-921-0224 FAX
They'll take the information and send you the appropriate information for ordering and getting their catalog.
Redeemer Books
4411 Dallas
Houston, TX 77023
Not too surprisingly, Cokesbury (which is a division of the United Methodist Church) carries a fairly good selection. They have stores that I know about in Knoxville and Nashville.
Address: P.O. Box 801, Nashville, TN 37202-0801
Phone: 800-672-1789
They have a De Colores-specific catalog available.
You can get copies of the Group Reunion card for $.10 ea. through the
National Episcopal Cursillo Office
P.O. Box 1967,
Vienna VA 22183-1967
or by phone (703)-938-3901 9-5 est Monday-Thurs.
You can find the history of the Cursillo in the booklet named The Original of The Cursillo Movement. You can order this booklet thru the Office of The National Secretariat at Dallas, Texas. Its phone number is (214)339-6321
National Ultreya Publications
The National Cursillo Center
P.O. Box 210226
Dallas, Texas 75211
(Roman Catholic Cursillo)
The booklet "What Is Emmaus?" by Stephen D. Bryant contains a description of the Emmaus Walk and history and organization of the Emmaus movement.
The Weekend Request form may be found at:
The Cursillo page may be found at:
Chester Diocese (UK) Cursillo home page http://www.arcturus\
Puget Sound Walk to Emmaus:
The Upper Room:
Central Illinois Chrysalis:
I just wanted to tell you about our new San Diego County Cursillo
Home Page. The URL is:
There is a national organization (see address below) that develops materials and provides direction and guidance to the diocesean organizations. Within each diocese there is a governing board that picks rectors, helps set up the weekends, and generally keeps things going.
National Episcopal Cursillo
PO Box 1967
Vienna VA 22183-1967
(703) 938-3901
President of the British Anglican Cursillo Council (BACC) (for anyone
wanting a UK contact)
Mr Paddy Creber,
13 Russell Terrace,
St. Davids,
Exeter. EX4 4HX
Kairos has a national organization, and state organizations (since access to the prison system must be done state-by-state). Within each state, there are governing organizations by prison to run the weekends and followup for that particular prison, minimizing the involvement of the state organization in the operational details.
Kairos, Inc.
National Office
140 N. Orlando Avenue, Suite 220
Winter Park, Florida 32789-3680
(407) 629-4948
Upper Room address:
1908 Grand Ave., Box 189, Nashville, TN 37202-0189
it lists an email address:
Emmaus contact person at Upper Room is K. Cherie Jones (615-340-7222)
- How is Walk to Emmaus governed? Is there a national board and local boards?
Yes, both are autonomous and covenantly linked. In order to use the "Walk To Emmaus" name a community must agree to hold it's weekends according to the model set forth by the Upper Room.
The Walk is a part of the Upper Room and is governed by a board composed of representatives from various Conferences of the United Methodist Church. Each conference has a board made up of representatives from the various Emmaus communities within the conference.
There is an International Steering Committee, with 15 US Members from 5 regions, and 4 International (Currently South Africa, Germany, Mexico, and NSW Australia), and 4 ex-officio members (Kairos, Chrysalis, and 2 past directors.)
- And what is The Upper Room? (and why is it called that?)
It is the discipleship ministry arm of the United Methodist Church (ask a Methodist). The Upper Room, INC, is the publishing house of the UMC and holds the copyright to the Emmaus Walk which includes the procedures on how to put on a walk. As a subsidiary of the UMC it is tied in to the church and has the support of it. The title comes from the location of the first communion - in a upper room.
The Upper Room Emmaus
1908 Grand Ave.
Nashville TN 37212
The direct line to the international office of the Walk to Emmaus is 615/340-7227. Jean Johnson is a wealth of information. Cherie Jones may also answer the phone. She is the international spiritual director of the Walk to Emmaus.
Rev K Cherie Jones, Director 615 340-7222
Jean Johnson, Program Director 615 340-7227
Fax 615 640-7006
- Does anyone know when, how and where Walk to Emmaus started?
Officially, 1981. Although there were many different expressions of Cursillo type things that preceded that date that were done by the same people.
In 1977 the UMC began to use the "Upper Room Cursillo" after staffers from the UR attended a Cursillo in Miami.
In April and May of 1977 the revised UMC weekends were tested and adopted for the UMC. In 1981 the National Secretariat of the Roman Catholic Cursillo Movement and the Upper Room agreed to separate and the Emmaus Movement was given its' name.
The Walk to Emmaus began around 1978(?). They were originally called United Methodist Cursillo but there were apparently enough differences between the walk and cursillo that the name was changed. I know many members of our Emmaus community who have come from Cursillo communities that tell me the weekend experience overall is virtually the same between the two groups. Other than logistics and maybe certain denominational slants, there is not a great difference in the layout or the impact of the weekends. Let me emphasize, like all the movements I read about here, the walk is non-denominational. ALL are welcome.
The walks are also international. We have a fair presence in Australia and South Africa as well as a growing presence in many other countries including a small toe-hold in the old Soviet Union. The very first set of walks ever in Ghana Africa wil be held in January 1996. The community from Lexington Kentucky is sending team members over to sponsor those weekends! Cool, huh?
"In the late 1970s, The Upper Room (a unit of the Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church) formed The Upper Room Cursillo in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1981, by mutual agreement between the National Secretariat of the Roman Catholic Cursillo movement and The Upper Room, the name of the Nashville Protestant Community was changed to Emmaus. The Emmaus movement is Ecumenical."
Address of the Editor of the Tres Dias International news is:
Zel Walch
TD Int'l News
166 Highfield Lane
Nutley, NJ 07110
201 667-3276
National Roman Catholic Cursillo Office
Their fax number is 214-339-6322 and
their phone number is 214-339-6321.
The commonly used meal blessing song "Bless our food" used to be sung to the tune "Edelweiss". The owners of the copyright to that tune have explicitly *denied* permission for it's use, and any Cursillo, Emmaus, or other community using that tune is liable to be sued, besides acting in an unethical manner.
Pat Robson, a parishoner at Trinity Episcopal Church in San Antonio has written an alternative tune and graciously donated it to the Cursillo et al community. This tune has also been recorded (at least once) on a Rainbow tape and published in the De Colores Companion Songbook.
Nice copies of the music may be obtained by request from (Includes a descant)
Meal Blessing by Pat Robson
3/4 time
E F G C D E A B C D E D D h q h h q h h q q q q h h. Bless our friends, Bless our food, Come Oh Lord and sit with us E F G C D E A B C D E D C h q h h q h h q q q q h h. may our talk, glow with peace, bring your love to surround us B B C D B g C D E C D E F# G G q q q q q q h q h. h q h q h. h. Friendship and peace may they bloom and grow, bloom and grow for-ev-er E F G C D E A B C D E D C h q h h q h h q q q q h h. Bless our friends, Bless our food, Come Oh Lord and sit with us
Capital letters start with A below middle-C
Lowercase letters are the octave below that
q = quarternote, h=halfnote, . = .
This prayer is said during the weekend before every Rollo, and is used to open group reunions in the fourth day
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your love.
Send forth your spirit, and we shall be created.
And you shall renew the face of the earth.
O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Clearly, more than a few have been inspired to set this wonderful prayer to music. I can offer anyone who would like, the music composed by a member of our community with harmony by me. You can write for it:
I'll spring for postage, but will specially bless those who enclose a SASE with their requests!
The Laughing Jesus picture is used at many weekends.
The picture of Jesus Laughing is has a Copyright date of 1977 and is
held by
11325 Blue Water Drive
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Phone 616-941-4880
The Cursillo FAQ is maintained by
Alan Jackson.
Original HTML version produced by
Geoff Riley.
Copyright © 1996, Alan Jackson. May be freely distributed as long as this notice is retained.
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