Files in

Last update Sunday 28 December 1997

NOTE: If your browser does not understand "type=i" in FTP transfer URL's, please click on the word [Image] or [Text] to retrieve the file.

Welcome to the ArcWeb FTP directory

** The current ArcWeb is 1.90. Uploaded 3rd September 1997.

The patch archive will upgrade version 1.81 or later to this version

Required modules are supplied separately in 'toolbox.arc' This is an attempt to reduce the size of the distribution archives.

[Text] ArcWebKA9Q.doc [Binary] (506) 14 January 1996
[Archive] ArcWebKA9Q.arc [Binary] (51 kb) 14 January 1996
ArcWeb page fetcher.
[Data] ChangeLog [Binary] (1 kb) 30 June 1997
ArcWeb ChangeLog: What's happened to ArcWeb recently.
[Data] ReadMe [Binary] (661) 15:26 03 September 1997
[Archive] arcweb_1.91.arc [Binary] (815 kb) 15:25 03 September 1997
ArcWeb WWW browser version 1.91
[Archive] arcweb_190to191.arc [Binary] (543 kb) 15:26 03 September 1997
ArbWeb update file, updating all versions from 1.90 onward to version 1.91.
[DIR] beta
This directory is specifically for beta test versions of ArcWeb.
Don't bother downloading the archives in here if you don't want a *potentially* unstable version.
[DIR] patches
Patches for ArcWeb.
[Archive] printweb_0.15.arc [Binary] (29 kb) 17 February 1997
Fixed version of PrintWeb --- this is also contained in the 1.75b archive.
[Archive] toolbox.arc [Binary] (168 kb) 28 June 1996
Acorn toolbox files --- required if you've not already got them from another source.
Back to previous index

Maintained by Geoff Riley. If you have any comments about or suggestions for these pages, please email me at