Files in

Last update Saturday 19 July 1997

NOTE: If your browser does not understand "type=i" in FTP transfer URL's, please click on the word [Image] or [Text] to retrieve the file.

[Text] 7plus.txt [Text] (1006) 29 June 1995
[Archive] 7plus_doc.arc [Binary] (31 kb) 29 June 1995
[Archive] 7plus_prog.arc [Binary] (273 kb) 29 June 1995
[Archive] 7plus_send.arc [Binary] (12 kb) 29 June 1995
[Text] comlink.txt [Text] (370) 29 June 1995
[Archive] comlink.arc [Binary] (139 kb) 29 June 1995
[Text] deskmorse.txt [Text] (203) 29 June 1995
[Archive] deskmorse.arc [Binary] (635 kb) 29 June 1995
[Text] ham_misc.txt [Text] (662) 07 April 1996
[Archive] ham_misc.arc [Binary] (191 kb) 07 April 1996
Archive of miscellaneous amateur radio programs.
[Text] index.txt [Text] (5 kb) 25 September 1996
Index of the software.
[Text] kam_mode.txt [Text] (317) 29 June 1995
[Archive] kam_mode.arc [Binary] (55 kb) 29 June 1995
[Text] pscan.txt [Text] (397) 25 September 1996
[Archive] pscan_1.arc [Binary] (474 kb) 25 September 1996
Latest version (1.81) of the SSTV/FAX program for the Risc PC 600 and 700 - TVFAX for RISC OS!
[Archive] pscan_2.arc [Binary] (526 kb) 25 September 1996
Sample JPEG images received using the program in pscan_1.arc
[Text] riscytnc.txt [Text] (257) 10 July 1995
[Archive] riscytnc.arc [Binary] (74 kb) 10 July 1995
[Text] spotter.txt [Text] (199) 29 June 1995
[Archive] spotter.arc [Binary] (163 kb) 29 June 1995
[Text] sstv.txt [Text] (454) 10 July 1995
[Archive] sstv.arc [Binary] (407 kb) 10 July 1995
[Text] term93.txt [Text] (631) 07 April 1996
[Archive] term93.arc [Binary] (172 kb) 07 April 1996
Archive of general-purpose TNC driver, version 4.06
[Text] tnc.txt [Text] (239) 29 June 1995
[Archive] tnc.arc [Binary] (60 kb) 29 June 1995
[Text] trackdemo.txt [Text] (144) 29 June 1995
[Archive] trackdemo.arc [Binary] (38 kb) 29 June 1995
[Text] uucoder.txt [Text] (417) 29 June 1995
[Archive] uucoder.arc [Binary] (42 kb) 29 June 1995
[Text] worldmap.txt [Text] (217) 29 June 1995
[Archive] worldmap.arc [Binary] (37 kb) 29 June 1995
[Text] yatfax.txt [Text] (341) 24 July 1995
[Archive] yatfax.arc [Binary] (55 kb) 24 July 1995
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Maintained by Geoff Riley. If you have any comments about or suggestions for these pages, please email me at