Files in

Last update Saturday 19 July 1997

NOTE: If your browser does not understand "type=i" in FTP transfer URL's, please click on the word [Image] or [Text] to retrieve the file.

[Archive] docs.arc [Binary] (25 kb) 24 November 1994
Documentation for DrawPlus V2.24.
[Archive] drawplus.arc [Binary] (143 kb) 24 November 1994
DrawPlus V2.24 program archive.
[Archive] examples.arc [Binary] (102 kb) 24 November 1994
Example draw files for DrawPlus.
[Archive] impdocs.arc [Binary] (111 kb) 24 November 1994
DrawPlus docs converted to Impression II format.
[Text] ver224.txt [Text] (1 kb) 24 November 1994
Descrition text for DrawPlus V2.24.
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Maintained by Geoff Riley. If you have any comments about or suggestions for these pages, please email me at