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The 21st Cursillo weekend, held at Savio House proved to be quite creative in many respects: two of the tables felt led into 'performing' the following, erm, well... these.

The table of Hugh of Lincoln produced a slightly modified version of Psalm 121 (and they sung it beautifully with a proper Anglican chant):

I will lift up my eyes | unto the | hills:
But that's about as | far as | it | went.
We came here | expecting a | rest:
But shall return home utt|erly | cream|crackered.
The timetable hath been an interesting | work of | fiction:
Day and night became | one | in the eyes | of our Rector.
We arrived burdened | with heavy | hearts:
But 'Ultreyaed' with | joy and | heavy | tums.
Copious lectures assa|ulted our | ears:
and multiple art works were | forméd by | our | fingers.
But the Lord laughed with us and | warmed us with | his love:
He will protect our going out and our coming in from | this time forth | for ever|more.

The table of David of Wales came up with a song, sung to the tune of 'The Cambridge Boat Song' (or is it the 'Eaton Boating Song'? The one that goes: "Lovely boating weather...") and sung with four parts (numbers in square brackets indicate whose part):

[1,2,3]We are three young ladies
All of us most devout.
We all enjoy religion,
Without a shadow of doubt.
There's only one church in the village
So to the same church we all go,
Although our views are different
[3]Medium, [1]High [2]and Low.
[1]I'm Anglocatholica:
I like my churches high.
With clouds and clouds of incense,
Ascending to the sky.
I call my vicar 'Father,'
And love to genuflect.
And watch the ceremonial:
To see that it's all correct.
[2]I am evangelica:
I never smoke or drink.
I always read my bible,
It tells me what to think.
I don't have to worry,
'cos every word is true.
I know I'm saved---Alleluia!
But think friend, what about you?
[3]I am mediocre:
I know what I like.
I'm no fundamentalist
And I'm certainly not a spike!
I always go to Matins,
and sometimes to Evensong.
And I like a rousing sermon:
Provided its not too long.
[1,2,3]We're going to have a new vicar:
We hope that he will be
[1]Catholic--- [2]Evangelical--- [3]Ordinary [1,2,3]just like me.
We hope he will be Handsome,
O wouldn't it just be nice---
Rewarding---a vocation:
To be a vicar's wife.
[4]I am the new vicar,
My husband's in the car:
With all our 15 children,
Goldfish and budgerigar.
How pleased I am to meet you
I'm sure you're all most devout,
And I'd like to start tomorrow:
By cleaning the churchyard out!
[1,2,3]Oooooh! What a catastrophe!
Whatever shall we do?
We really think it's our duty
To go somewhere else, don't you?
[1]It's only a tuppenny busride
I think I'll go off to Rome.
[2]I'll join the Salvation Army.
[3]And I'll just stay at home.

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Affiliated with the British Anglican Cursillo
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